The New American Bible & (C.C.C.)
Early Teachings of Infant Baptism (Fathers *) Baptismal Grace (Fathers *) Born Again in Baptism (Fathers *) Trinitarian_Baptism (Fathers *) Necessity of Baptism (Fathers *)
Confession (Fathers *) Real Presence (Fathers *)
Sacrifice of the Mass (Fathers *) Confirmation (Fathers *) Permanence of Matrimony (Fathers *) Bishop, Priest, and Deacon (Fathers *)* Includes commentary by the Early Church Fathers
Women and the Priesthood (Fathers *)
(All Tracts used with permission and have imprimatur.)
FATHERS KNOW BEST - In these following tracts, the fathers of the early church speak for themselves. You will be surprised to see how much these men of antiquity sound like the orthodox Catholic leaders of today.
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